Candied Cassava ( Montad Chuame )

On my previous entry about Thai influence on Surabaya's restaurants. I just renewing my love of eating Thai's candied cassava dessert. Since it was not easy to find this dessert in US and Canada, I almost forgot about how good they taste ...well...until my best friend "W" treat me for a nice dinner in a new restaurant, I think the name of the restaurant is Golden Rama.
Anyway ... true that the food in that restaurant is great (someday I will show them to you, but that night I forgot to bring my camera ) but for me, the best part is when my bestfriend "W" ordered this Thai dessert for us to share.
Since then, I tried to find the time to go back there to eat it again but my busy schedule really did not give me chance to go back to eat there again. So I decide to search for the recipe in my recipe library. To my unpleasant surprise, none of my Thai Recipes Books has any recipe for it. Then I went to search for it in the internet. I am very surprise that there is only one person who wrote a blog about this recipe. I found it on Appon's Thai Food website.
When I saw this recipe, I was surprise at how simple it is to make it on my own. When I tried it, the recipe turn out to be really as easy and as delicious as it says. Anyone can make it for sure and they cost so much cheaper compare to how much the restaurant charges for this dish.
So here is a recipe of one of my favorite Thai dessert , courtesy from Appon's blog.
Candied Cassava ( Montad Chuame )
Just as you have candied (glaced) lemon and candied orange in the west, so we have candied cassava root in Asia. Once candied the cassava root is chewier and stickier than other candied fruit, due to its natural guminess.
Ingredients for 4 People
500 gr Cassava
300 gr Sugar
250 ml Water
Coconut milk/cream for the sauce
1. Mix sugar with water in a sauce pan, heat until the sugar dissolves.
2. Peel the cassava and chop it into 4 cm pieces.
3. Add the cassava into the pan with boiling sugar and cook on a low heat until the sugar just begins to caramelize. Approximately 2 hours.
4. If the cassava has not been properly candied, add more water and continue cooking.
5. When serving, pour the coconut milk/cream on top of the candied cassava.
NOTE: Since I am too lazy to wait for 2 hrs, I use my pressure cooker and it cut down the cooking hour into half the time. I also change the type of the sugar that I use on this recipe. I think using light brown sugar add an extra flavour to this simple dish.