More Taiwanese Food Photos To Share & Recipes

Even though the main reason why we are in Taiwan is because we want to support Pastor Philip Mantofa with his crusade, Festival of God's Power. It doesn't mean this supporting team do not know how to have a great time when we are not busy with the crusade. Some of us do not join the main group partly because sometimes our responsibility force us to have a different time schedule. So when the main group had lunch first, sometimes we have not. The other reason is because me, Richard, Lely, Adrian, and Rudy do not pay to join the main group because all of us sleep at Richard's home in here. But the real reason why we don't join the main group is with Richard as the tour leader and me as the food critic, my friends knows that they are in good hands. We both know how to keep them happy with great tasting local Taiwanese food everyday!

You don't believe me?
Look at this face, is this not a happy eater? This is Rudy, our good friend who becomes a believer of how good Taiwanese food are, hahaha....
We usually do not bring them to eat in fancy looking restaurant because we understand that Indonesian taste bud tends to prefer hot, heavily spices, dripping with sauce, and fried dishes. It is easier to find food that can fit these taste on the street than if you go to fancy restaurant. So, isn't it great, not only they become happier to eat that kind of food, but these type of food usually cheaper too! Like our friend Rudy here, who always said that the food here is cheaper than in Indonesia. So I salute the Taiwanese food importer / producer. Guys, you do a great job at keeping the food prices reasonable. And for Taiwanese who always complains that food price is so high there. Listen.... they are not that high compare to some other country!
But for today, we have no choice but to eat at a local food restaurant near where the crusade will be and there is nothing better but to share great tasting food with our great hungry friends on this cold day together. Remember ....
" The beste sawce is hungre. "
... by Socrates, 1539
... by Socrates, 1539

( makes 6 portions )
Ingredients :
600 g shelled baby oysters
150 gr leeks ( cut into large dices )
Seasoning :
20 gr whole fermented black beans
75 gr light soy sauce
4 gr salt
4 gr chicken stock powder
12 gr sugar
chopped ginger
ground white pepper
sesame oil
1 Tbs oyster sauce
- Rinse oysters. Drain and set aside.
- Heat a little oil in wok. Add chopped ginger and whole fermented black beans. Stir-fry until fragrant. Add diced leeks and stir-fry briefly. Put in oysters and all the seasoning ingredients. Cook over medium heat until the oysters are done. Transfer to a deep plate. Serve.
This dish is a famous family dish in Fujian. The baby oysters are not scalded so as to keep their original flavor. They go well with rice and congee.
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