Teppanyaki !!

My dear husband, R loves to eat teppanyaki. Because of him, I tried my first teppanyaki at Benihana Restaurant in Portland, Oregon where we used to live. Where we got married and where KK was born.
I fall in love with teppanyaki too ....
Is not only the food taste better when they are so freshly cook, but it's the whole private show that you see when the chef cook your dinner in front of you! And Benihana is really putting on a good show everytime you eat there. Those Teppanyaki chefs is like kungfu master!!!!
Well... now that we are here, I asked my father where can we go to eat teppanyaki and after he asked some friends, the answer is Imari Japanese Restaurant at JW Marriot Surabaya Hotel.
To make it easier, we both chose 2 menu sets. I forgot the name of the set, but mine is the expensive one. And it taste so good!!!
We really like it there. The service is good, the food is great. And the chef told us that on Sunday they also offer an all-you-can-eat buffet and we will be able to eat teppanyaki too.
The different between Benihana chefs and the teppanyaki chef at JW Marriot Hotel, the Benihana chefs really put on a better show at cooking your meal, but to be honest, for the taste, I think the Imari Japanese restaurant in JW Marriot is better.

If you like to try to cook Teppanyaki ( I tried before! ), you can even try to cook using Benihana real own recipes. I am amazed to know that they don't mind sharing their recipes and you can get them when you click the word "Benihana" at this page. The reason is because that the recipe is really simple to follow. What makes the different is the quality of the ingredients. So yeah, you get what you pay.

JW Marriott Hotel Surabaya
* JL Embong Malang 85-89
* Surabaya, 60261 Indonesia
* Phone: 62 31 545 8888
* Fax: 62 31 546 8888
* Sales: 62 31 545 8888
* Sales fax: 62 31 550 8889
* Toll-free: 0800 1831 800
* JL Embong Malang 85-89
* Surabaya, 60261 Indonesia
* Phone: 62 31 545 8888
* Fax: 62 31 546 8888
* Sales: 62 31 545 8888
* Sales fax: 62 31 550 8889
* Toll-free: 0800 1831 800