Stir-fried pork with holy basil (kaao pat ga prao moo sap)

I think if you see the video that I posted below, I believe you will be able to cook this dish without a specific recipe because it seems pretty straight forward. I tried to find the recipe on my cookbook library but I couldn't find it. I also tried to find it on the internet but without any luck as well.
So sorry guys, here is the video clip, enjoy!
pad thai pake tahu yg kuning itu enak ya, tapi sayangnya disini gak ada tahu gituan. aku baru tau kamu doyan pad thai :)
aku mau coba tuh cara buang kulitnya garlic di container, koq bisa ya?
Iya, aku dulu wkt msk rumah sakit melahirkan KK dikasih gelas model gitu dari RS nya. Sayang tak buang...